In exercise of powers conferred upon me under Section 21(1) (b) of Hyderabad City Police Act I, A.K. Khan, IPS., Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City do hereby notify for the information of general public that in order to relive congestion to maintain smooth flow of traffic and to ensure public safety and order in connection with the sale and transportation of Ganesh Idols in Dhoolpet area the following restrictions are imposed from 0800 hrs on 28-08-2011 to the midnight of 01-09-2011. I. No vehicle will be allowed from Bhoigudakaman X Roads towards the Gandhi statue Puranapool via Mangalhat P.S. II. The traffic coming from Ek-Minar Masjid and Malakunta intending to go to Puranapool has to take left turn at Darusalam and proceed Purnapul via Panmandi, Ghode ki khabar, Jhinsi chowrai, Jumerat Bazar and Puranapul. III. Traffic coming from Asifnagar intending to go to Purana pool will be take right turn at Aghapura X Road proceed towards Ghode ki khabar, Jinsi Chowrahi, Gulzar Baitak, Jummerath Bazar and Purana pool. IV. Traffic will not be allowed to go from Gandhi statue towards Bhoiguda Kaman. V. Lorries, DCM’s which come for the purchase of lord Ganesh Idols must park their vehicles at jummarath Bazar ground and they will be allowed only at midnight 12”O” clock to take the idols. VI. Two wheelers and cars comes from Purana pool side for purchase of idols will be park in Raheem pura lane. VII. The vehicles coming from Seetharam bagh and Darusalam side can also park in the lanes of Aghapura and go by walk for purchase of idols. VIII. Vehicles i.e., Auto Trallies , DCM’s Lorries and other vehicles which are coming to carry Ganesh Idols will be enter from Gandhi Statue Puranapool and exit through Boiguda Kaman. IX. No Vehicle will be allowed either empty or with Ganesh Idol in opposite direction i.e, from Boiguda Kaman , Shankar CafĂ©, P.S. Mangalghat, Jali Hanuman and Puranapool. All are requested to co-operate with the traffic police. Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City. |

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